City Guide / Quiz Game Instructions

Aby skorzystać z przewodnika Master of City, z poziomu ekranu głównego wybierz kafelek “Przewodnik/Gra Quizowa”.

Po kliknięciu wyświetlą Ci się punkty turystyczne miasta. 

Na samej górze ekranu ukaże Ci się mapa ze wszystkimi punktami miasta. Pokazuje miejsca punktów turystycznych wraz z odległością od Twojego położenia.

Po kliknięciu w któryś z punktów wyświetli się on ze wszystkimi szczegółami jak opis, ceny wstępu, sposób dojazdu do danej atrakcji oraz pytania quizowe.

Instrukcja krok po kroku gry na jednym urządzeniu: 

Krok 1. Wybierz opcję “Gra”, która znajduje się na dolnym pasku aplikacji. 

Krok 2. Po kliknięciu wyświetlą się ustawienia gry. W tej sytuacji wybierz opcję “Gra na 1 urządzeniu”, wybierz liczbę rund oraz graczy i utwórz grę.

Krok 3. Po wybraniu przycisku “Utwórz grę” widok przeniesie się do punktów turystycznych. Na samej górze nad punktami będzie można zobaczyć kogo jest w tym momencie ruch. W tej sytuacji użytkownik, którego jest w danym momencie ruch, wybiera sobie punkt, następnie pytanie na które chce odpowiedzieć i udziela odpowiedzi. 

Krok 4. Po udzieleniu odpowiedzi należy kliknąć przycisk “Kontynuuj” znajdujący się na samym dole strony, który przeniesie do wyboru punktu kolejnego użytkownika.

Instrukcja krok po kroku gry na wielu urządzeniach:

Krok 1. Wybierz opcję “Gra”, która znajduje się na dolnym pasku aplikacji. 

Krok 2. Po kliknięciu wyświetlą się ustawienia gry. W tej sytuacji wybierz opcję “Gra na wielu urządzeniach”, wybierz liczbę rund, inne, dodatkowe ustawienia gry i utwórz grę.

Krok 3. Po wybraniu przycisku “Utwórz grę” widok przeniesie się do “Lobby”, w którym ukazany jest status graczy oraz sposoby zaproszenia do rozgrywki, tj. poprzez aplikację, komunikatory, PIN oraz kod QR.

Krok 4. Gdy zaproszony gracz pojawi się w Lobby, klikamy “rozpocznij rozgrywkę” i zaczynamy grę zgodnie ze wskazówkami zawartymi w poprzednim pytaniu.

Jak najbardziej jest możliwość gry z użytkownikiem w innej lokalizacji.

Jest możliwość gry z nieznajomym. Można zaprosić innego użytkownika do gry poprzez aplikację, link, kod PIN lub kod QR nie mając go w znajomych.

1.To use the Master of City guide, select the “Guide/Quiz Game” tile from the main screen.

2. After selecting it, the city’s tourist points will be displayed.

3.At the top of the screen, you will see a map with all the city’s points. It shows the locations of tourist attractions along with their distance from your current position.

By clicking on any of the points, you will see all its details, such as a description, entry fees, directions to the attraction, and quiz questions.

1.Select the “Game” option located on the bottom bar of the application.

2.After clicking, the game settings will appear. In this case, select “Game on 1 device”, choose the number of rounds and players, and create the game.

3.After selecting the “Create Game” button, the view will transition to the tourist points. At the top, above the points, you will see whose turn it is at the moment. The user whose turn it is selects a point, then a question they want to answer, and provides their answer.

4. After answering, click the “Continue” button located at the bottom of the page, which will move to the point selection for the next user.

1. Select the “Game” option located on the bottom bar of the application.

2. After clicking, the game settings will appear. In this case, select “Game on multiple devices”, choose the number of rounds, additional game settings, and create the game.

 3. After selecting the “Create Game” button, the view will transition to the “Lobby”, where you can see the player status and different ways to invite others to the game, such as through the app, messengers, PIN, or QR code.

4.Once the invited player appears in the Lobby, click “Start Game” and begin playing according to the instructions provided in the previous question.

It is absolutely possible to play with a user in a different location.

It is possible to play with a stranger. You can invite another user to the game through the app, a link, a PIN code, or a QR code without having them in your friends list.

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Boost your self-esteem!

Master of City is an educational game. With each game you will gain more knowledge, which will have a positive impact on your well-being.

We wish you fun and personal development!

Meeting people on your trip

  • If you create a profile on the app, you gain access to the international Master of City travel community.
  • The app allows you to create your own public events and take part in other people’s events.
  • This way, you will be able to connect with people who are in the same city as you and arrange to explore the city with them!

Beeing part of the app

  • Every user of the Master of City app can contribute to it by:
    – rating and commenting on questions,

          – being part of the Master of City traveller community: creating a profile, interacting with other users, creating events,

             – proposing the addition of a question you have created to the game.

  • If your question is accepted, it will become part of the pool of questions open to all users and you will receive a special prize!


  • Each question in the Master of City quiz game contains a related trivia item for more information.
  • The vast majority of the trivia questions contain pictures, music or videos related to the question. These allow you to explore the question in more depth and make the form of presentation of the information much more interesting.
  • For example, for each question in all art galleries, you can see a picture of the work of art to which the question relates.

Individual Adjustment

  • If you are particularly interested in music, film, literature or good food, the thematic routes in the Master of City app allow you to explore cities according to what you like best!
  • Thematic routes involve selecting all the questions in a city related to your chosen category.
  • In some cities, there are themed routes that are specific to that place, such as the Harry Potter route or The Rolling Stones route in London or the Comic Book Heroes route in New York.

Language Learning

  • Master of City is a game that allows you to learn foreign languages while playing and gaining knowledge about cities.
  • The app’s settings include the option to display questions, answers and trivia in two selected languages at once.
  • The game is available in all the languages associated with the cities available in the game, so you can not only learn more about your chosen place, but also its language!

Family Entertainment

  • The questions in Master of City are adapted to 3 age groups: 7 +, 11 +, 15 +.
  • People of different ages can enjoy playing together answering questions tailored to each player’s age group.
  • This makes Master of City great fun for the whole family.
  • Even 7-year-old children can be little travellers and explore the world together with their parents!


  • You can play the Master of City quiz game alone or compete with friends.
  • The maximum number of players for both the board game and the app is 6.
  • By competing with other players, learning about the city will give you an extra dose of excitement as well as fun!


  • The concept of the Master of City game is to answer questions so that you will be 100% involved in discovering the city.
  • Reading and listening are passive methods of acquiring knowledge. Answering questions, on the other hand, makes you concentrate and think. It also evokes more emotion.
  • It makes you remember the information for longer and have fun at the same time!